Important Contacts

Emergency calls
112  European emergency telephone number
150  Fire rescue service (Hasičský záchranný sbor hl. m. Prahy)
155  First aid(Zdravotnická záchranná služba hl. m. Prahy)
158  Police of the Czech Republic (Policie České republiky)
156  Metropolitan Police of the Capital City of Prague (Městská policie hl. m. Prahy)

Line for extraordinary situations dealt with by the City District of Prague 16: 606 601 662 (only activated during states of crisis), e-mail contact:

Faults in water supplies in the public part of the water supply system
Pražské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s.
(Prague Water Supply and Sewage)
Web page to report an accident:
Dykova 3, Prague 10 – Vinohrady (customer centre)
Ke Kablu 971, Prague 10 – Hostivař (for contact in writing)
Telephone: 840 111 112.
E-mail: (do not use this address to report accidents)

Faults in electricity supplies
Pražská energetika, a.s.
(Prague Electricity)
Web page to report faults:
E-mail to report faults:
Telephone number to report faults: 1236
In cases of emergency, life-threatening situations: Telephone 224 919 473

PREdistribuce, a.s.

Company headquarters:
Svornosti 3199/19a, 150 00 Prague 5
Delivery address:
Na Hroudě 1492/4, Prague 10
Customer telephone line: 840 550 055

Gas supply faults
Pražská plynárenská, a.s.
(Prague Gas Company)
24-hour emergency and troubleshooting telephone line: 1239 
Národní 37, Prague 1–Nové Město (company headquarters and delivery address)
Customer telephone line, free repairs of gas appliances: 840 555 333.

Public lighting faults
Technologie hlavního města Prahy, a.s. 
Free 24-hour fault report line, telephone: 800 404 060. 
Web page to report faults:

Problems affecting road traffic safety and fluidity
Technická správa komunikací hl. m. Prahy
(Technical Administration of Roadways of the Capital City of Prague - TSK)
Use this form or call 224 237 719 to report problems and faults on roadways and to the property of TSK Prague.
Information for cyclists:
Up-to-date traffic information:
Řásnovka 770/8, 110 15 Prague 1 
Telephone: 257 015 111 

Safety and security

Policie České republiky (Police of the Czech Republic) 
Krajské ředitelství policie hlavního města Prahy
(Regional Directorate of the Police of the Capital City of Prague)
Obvodní ředitelství Praha II (District Directorate Prague II) 
Sokolská 38, 120 00 Prague 2
Tel.: 974 852 229
Fax: 974 852 458

Local police station in Radotín
Výpadová 1335, Prague – Radotín
Telephone: 974 855 730 
Jurisdiction for: Lipence, Lochkov, Radotín, Zbraslav

Metropolitan Police of the Capital City of Prague 
Obvodní ředitelství Městské policie Praha 5
(District Directorate of the Metropolitan Police for Prague 5)
Kobrova 1366, Prague – Smíchov
Telephone: 222 025 360, 222 025 361. 

Metropolitan Police Station in Radotín
U Starého stadionu 1379/13, Prague – Radotín
Telephone: 222 025 342, 777 156 656 (24-hour).
Jurisdiction for: Lipence, Lochkov, Radotín, Velká Chuchle, Zbraslav
Offences, tel.: 222 025 355-6

Hasičský záchranný sbor hlavního města Prahy
(Fire Rescue Service for the Capital City of Prague)

Directorate: Sokolská 62, 121 24 Prague 2 
Telephone switchboard: 950 850 011 

Fire Station 8 
(place to report fires within the administrative district of Prague 16)

V Sudech 1, Prague – Radotín 
Telephone: 950 858 011 

Shelters for abandoned animals and capture 
Dolnoměcholupská 58/27, Prague 10
Telephone: 222 025 929

V Zámcích 56, Prague 8 – Troja
Telephone: 222 025 916, 222 025 917

Aktualizováno: 28.11.2018