The municipal office is increasing its services from 20 April

Radotín Town Hall, which is fully functioning during the state of emergency, is opening all its workplaces from 20 April. However, based on the recommendation of the Czech Ministry of Health, there will be special procedures in place and increased hygienic conditions.  

The Czech government decided to limit the operation of all public institutions due to the declaration of a state of emergency and in connection with other measures to prevent the spread of a new type of coronavirus in mid-March. The office doors were open only for three hours on Mondays and Wednesdays, the rest of the time the staff did all their work in their workplaces or from home or helped with the emergency situation (sewing masks, working in the distribution centre, purchasing materials, distributing information leaflets to letter boxes).

From Monday, 20 April, everything is slowly returning to normal, the office will begin to operate normally from Monday to Friday. However, because it is a small institution located in five buildings spaced apart (none have a reception or security service at the entrance), the following precautions are required to protect employees and clients in order to comply with safety principles and emergency hygiene rules.  

We continue to prefer contactless ways of doing business – via a data box, in writing, by e-mail and by phone, if possible.  

In the case of an urgent matter which cannot be resolved “remotely”, the normal office hours for all workplaces will be on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.00 to 18.00. It is still necessary to book an appointment at all workplaces in advance – the Department of Population Registration and Personal Documents via the ordering system (or by phone at 234 128 245), other workplaces by phone or e-mail.  

The only office where it is not necessary to book in advance is the mail room. The mail room will be open all week during regular opening hours, except for the lunch break (12.00-12.30 every day).

Also the personal contact between clients and office staff will be modified – because the town hall does not have enough counter offices or one central office with separate rooms, clients will have to ring the member of staff they have an appointment with at the entrance to the building and they will be admitted remotely. The procedure at the counter will be as usual. Where counters are not available, clients will not be allowed into the office until they are installed – they will either wait at a place designated by the member of staff while their request is dealt with, or the outdoor tents that have already been installed at the main municipal buildings will be used (town hall, administrative agenda, social agenda).  

Of course, you may only enter and move around in the buildings if your nose and mouth are covered. You must adhere to increased hygiene rules and also now clean your hands at the entrance to the building with hand sanitiser. Hand sanitiser will be placed at the entrance to all municipal buildings and there will also be increased cleaning inside the buildings throughout the day. Clients can then dispose of used disposable masks in a special container (already installed). 

Thank you for your understanding and for respecting all these rules.